HomeInsightsTop 10 Popular Node JS Blockchain Frameworks for Building dApps

Top 10 Popular Node JS Blockchain Frameworks for Building dApps




If you’re looking to develop blockchain projects with Node JS, you’ve come to the right place! This blog post will uncover some top-rated Node JS blockchain frameworks for creating decentralized applications (dApps).

Blockchain technology has the capability to transform various industries, from banking and finance to supply chain management and more. It enables efficient, transparent transactions with reliable security protocols. Furthermore, it can disrupt traditional business models and open new avenues of opportunity.

Node JS is a powerful platform for web development, and it’s also the perfect fit when you want to create blockchain applications. It excels in performance, scalability, and ease of use — ensuring that developers who build decentralized apps with Node JS are able to produce high-quality results quickly.

This article will deeply dive into the leading Node JS frameworks designed to construct blockchain applications. Each framework’s key features and real-world examples will be thoroughly explored. Whether you have prior experience in blockchain or are just starting your journey, this post provides valuable insights for all!

1. Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that enables the running of smart contracts. Programs are designed to run accurately without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud, or third-party interference. Ethereum has a strong developer community, along with numerous tools and resources available. It is one of the most reliable blockchain platforms today.

Ethereum is developed using Go, C++, and Rust languages and uses a virtual machine to execute smart contracts. To make writing Ethereum-based smart contracts easier, it supports multiple programming languages, including Solidity – a language designed exclusively for this purpose.

If you’re interested in building Ethereum dApps with Node JS, two of the most popular and well-respected tools available are Web3.js and Truffle.

Web3.js is a low-level JavaScript library that gives dApp developers the power to communicate with Ethereum nodes using HTTP or IPC and provides a series of APIs for writing data to the blockchain, conducting transactions, and managing smart contracts. This powerful tool helps you build custom integrations and applications quickly and easily by providing direct access to the Ethereum blockchain.

Truffle, on the other hand, is a framework for building and deploying smart contracts that sits on top of Web3.js and other Ethereum libraries. This framework aims to simplify the process of developing Ethereum applications by providing developers with tools and libraries that make it easier to build, test, and deploy contracts. Truffle includes a CLI, a development environment, support for contract compilation, deployment, network management, and integration with various other tools and services.

Ethereum is not just meant for financial transactions; it has a plethora of uses, including supply chain management, identity verification, and voting systems. With Ethereum, you can also create decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) that have the potential to disrupt existing business models and bring forth new chances.

Ethereum and Node JS have enabled the creation of some innovative projects, such as CryptoKitties – a game that allows users to purchase, trade, and breed digital cats – and Augur – a prediction market platform.


2. Binance Chain

Binance Chain is a decentralized blockchain platform developed by the cryptocurrency exchange Binance. It is designed for high-performance and low-latency trading and is optimized for issuing and trading digital assets.

Binance Chain has a native digital asset called BNB and supports smart contracts. It also includes a JavaScript library called @binance-chain/javascript-sdk. It allows developers to build Node JS applications that interact with Binance Chain nodes and read and write data to the blockchain.

One of the main features of Binance Chain is its support for fast and low-cost transactions. It is optimized for trading and has a high transaction speed and low fees, making it well-suited to traders and other organizations that need to process high volumes of transactions.

Using @binance-chain/javascript-sdk and Node JS, developers can build several decentralized applications on Binance Chain, including decentralized exchanges, digital currency wallets, and trade finance platforms. Some notable projects built on Binance Chain and Node JS include the Binance DEX decentralized exchange and the Trust Wallet digital currency wallet.


3. Hyperledger Fabric

The Linux Foundation-backed Hyperledger Fabric framework is the perfect option for creating enterprise-grade blockchain applications. Its modular architecture makes it easy to customize with unique features and deploy quickly into the market. With its open-source nature, you have access to a wealth of resources – allowing you to save time and money when developing your projects.

Hyperledger Fabric is written in Go and includes a Node JS SDK for building applications. The SDK provides an extensive list of resources and libraries that simplify the development and distribution of smart contracts (also known as chaincode) on the Hyperledger Fabric platform.

Hyperledger Fabric stands out from other blockchain platforms due to its ability to provide enterprise-level security and privacy using private, permissioned blockchains. This feature makes it an ideal solution for organizations looking for a secure yet flexible way to leverage the power of blockchain technology in their business operations.

Hyperledger Fabric has proven to be a powerful tool for developing various applications, such as supply chain management solutions, trade finance platforms, and identity verification systems. Some renowned projects built with Hyperledger Fabric are TradeLens by IBM and Maersk and Marco Polo’s trade finance platform.


4. Polkadot

Polkadot allows developers to create sophisticated applications with its native asset DOT and various programming languages such as Rust, JavaScript, and Web Assembly. Moreover, it offers a powerful JavaScript library called @polkadot/api, which helps developers construct Node JS apps that can read and write data to Polkadot blockchain nodes.

Polkadot stands out among the competition with its capacity to bridge multiple blockchains and facilitate interoperability between them. This feature makes it ideal for developers looking to create dApps that require access to data and resources from plenty of different blockchains.

Developers can build various dApps on top of Polkadot, including decentralized exchanges, supply chain management systems, and cross-chain communication protocols. It has a large and active developer community and has been used to build a variety of dApps that need to access data and resources across multiple blockchains.


5. Solana

Solana is a decentralized blockchain platform for ultimate scalability and high performance. It is written using Rust, C, & C++ and utilizes a Proof of History (PoH) consensus algorithm to process thousands of transactions every second.

Developers can use Solana’s JavaScript library, solan-web3.js, to create Node JS applications that interact with the platform and manipulate data on its blockchain. Not only does Solana support smart contracts, but it also has a native digital asset known as SOL which makes building decentralized applications easier.

Solana stands out due to its remarkable transaction speed and comparatively low fees, making it the perfect ally for organizations dealing with large volumes of transactions.

Using solana-web3.js and Node JS, developers can build various decentralized applications on Solana, including decentralized exchanges, games, and social media platforms.


6. Near Protocol

Near Protocol is a revolutionary blockchain platform written in Rust utilizing a unique consensus algorithm dubbed Nightshade. It is designed for scalability, security, and user-friendliness while enabling high transaction throughputs with low fees.

Near Protocol supports smart contracts written in various programming languages, including Rust, JavaScript, and TypeScript. It also includes a JavaScript library called near-api-js that allows developers to build Node JS applications that can interact with Near Protocol nodes and read and write data to the blockchain.

Near Protocol stands apart from its competitors with its focus on providing an exceptional developer experience and usability. Near Protocol streamlines the process of building dApps by offering a web-based developer console and a comprehensive collection of APIs and libraries for developers.

Similar to other smart contract platforms, developers can build a variety of dApps on top of Near Protocol, including decentralized exchanges, social media platforms, and games.


7. Hedera Hashgraph

Hedera Hashgraph is a reliable open-source blockchain platform designed to develop fast, secure, and fair applications. Written in Java programming language, the framework also features @hashgraph/sdk, a Node JS SDK. This library permits developers to generate applications compatible with Hedera nodes and access/revise data stored on its decentralized ledger.

Hedera Hashgraph is a revolutionary technology that enables fast transactions and low fees due to its use of the hashgraph data structure. Additionally, it provides users with an incredible opportunity to take part in the decision-making process for this innovative platform through its unique governance model.

Utilizing Hedera Hashgraph, blockchain developers have created a range of applications, such as supply chain management systems, trade finance platforms, and identity verification systems. Two impressive projects built on this technology are Swirlds – a file storage platform, and the Hedera Consensus Service – an open market for cloud services.


8. Stellar

Stellar is an open-source blockchain platform coded in C++ and featuring the stellar-sdk Node JS library. The SDK allows developers to build practical Node JS applications that communicate with Stellar nodes and access or store data within the Stellar blockchain.

Stellar stands out with its capacity to support different assets and cross-asset transfers. With fast transaction speed, minimal charges, and the power to handle massive transactions efficiently, Stellar is ideal for financial organizations or businesses that expect high output from their network.

Stellar has been used to build a variety of applications, including payment networks, digital currency exchanges, and trade finance platforms. Some outstanding projects built on Stellar include the IBM Blockchain World Wire payment network and the Stronghold digital currency exchange.



IOTA is an open-source blockchain platform for the Internet of Things (IoT). It is written in Java and includes a Node JS library called @iota/iota.js. It allows developers to write Node JS applications interacting with IOTA nodes and read and write data to the IOTA blockchain.

IOTA offers users a unique and powerful feature: the directed acyclic graph (DAG) data structure. It allows for speedy transaction processing, low fees, scalability, and enhanced resource efficiency – perfect for IoT devices.

IOTA is a powerful technology utilized to create numerous applications, such as smart city platforms, supply chain management systems, and energy management systems. The IOTA Ecosystem and Tangle are two projects that have emerged from its usage. The former is an online marketplace for IoT data, while the latter is a distributed ledger designed explicitly for machine-to-machine transactions.


10. EOS

EOS is an open-source blockchain platform that permits the development of large-scale decentralized applications. Written in C++, EOS boosts fast transaction speeds and low fees through a consensus model referred to as delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS). With this revolutionary technology, businesses can quickly scale their projects on a secure blockchain with incredible speed and efficiency.

EOS includes a JavaScript library called eosjs that allows developers to write Node JS applications that can interact with EOS nodes and read and write data to the EOS blockchain. The library includes various tools and libraries that make it easy to build EOS applications using Node JS.

EOS stands out from the rest due to its aid for smart contracts and decentralized applications. It has a strong developer community, and various dApps, such as games, social networks, and marketplaces, were built with EOS.

Some impressive projects built on EOS include Everipedia, a decentralized encyclopedia, and Crypto SpaceX, a space-themed game.


Node JS Blockchain Frameworks: Conclusion

Ultimately, Node JS is an exceptional platform for developing decentralized applications. With a plethora of Node JS blockchain frameworks, you can feel confident in finding the proper framework that fits your requirements and objectives. Each offers unique features and characteristics set apart from others – explore them to ensure you find the optimum choice.

If you’re interested in learning more about Node JS and its place in the ecosystem of JavaScript frameworks, you might also be interested in reading my blog post on Nest JS vs Node JS. In this post, I compare Nest JS and Node JS and discuss the differences and similarities between the two frameworks.

I hope this guide to the top 10 Node JS blockchain frameworks was valuable in aiding you in finding out which framework is suitable for your project. As always, feel free to comment if you have any questions or need further assistance!


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