HomeInsightsReact Query vs Axios: Understanding the Differences

React Query vs Axios: Understanding the Differences




Are you a beginner looking to learn more about React Query and Axios? If so, you’re in the right place!

In this blog post, we’ll be comparing React Query vs Axios to help you choose the correct library for your React project. We’ll explore the key differences between React Query and Axios, including their features, benefits, and use cases.

By the end of this post, you should have a better understanding of them and be able to make an educated decision about which library is right for you. Let’s get started!

Introduction to Axios

What is Axios?

Axios is a popular JavaScript library that allows you to easily make HTTP requests from a web page. It is often used to retrieve data from a server or to send data to a server. Axios supports a wide range of request methods, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Axios provides more features than the native fetch() API. The fetch() API is limited in scope, and it requires you to use additional libraries or write your own code to perform some complex tasks. This makes Axios a more comprehensive and user-friendly solution.

Advantages of Axios

There are several benefits to using Axios in your application. Some of the key advantages of using Axios include:

  • Easy to set up and use: Axios is easy to install and can be quickly integrated into your project. Its simple API makes it easy to make HTTP requests and handle responses.
  • Support for a wide range of request methods: It allows you to easily make any type of request you need to retrieve or send data to a server.
  • Flexible and customizable: Axios is highly flexible and can be customized to meet your specific needs. For example, you can easily add your own headers or interceptors to modify the behavior of your requests.
  • Works in both the browser and Node.js: Axios can be used in both the browser and on the server side using Node.js. This means that you can use the same library for all your HTTP requests, regardless of where they originate.

Overall, Axios is a powerful and versatile library that offers many benefits for web developers.

Introduction to React Query

What is React Query?

React Query is a lightweight, yet powerful library for fetching and caching data in React applications. It is designed to simplify the process of retrieving and managing data and to improve the performance of your application.

Advantages of React Query

There are several benefits to using React Query in your React application. Some of the key advantages of React Query include:

  • Simplified data fetching and caching: React Query makes it easy to fetch and cache data in your application. Its simple API allows you to easily retrieve and manage data, and its built-in caching capabilities ensure that your data is always up-to-date.
  • Improved performance: React Query can improve the performance of your application by only fetching data when it is needed, and by reusing cached data whenever possible. This can help reduce the number of unnecessary requests and improve the overall responsiveness of your application.
  • Real-time updates: React Query supports real-time updates, which means that your application can automatically update when new data is available. This is particularly useful for applications that require fast response times or real-time data updates.
  • Easy to use: React Query is built on top of React’s Hooks API, which means that it can be easily integrated into any functional React component. It also integrates seamlessly with popular data-fetching libraries like Axios, making it easy to use in your existing projects.
  • Flexible and customizable: React Query is highly flexible and can be customized to meet your specific needs. For example, you can easily configure its caching behavior or add your own custom hooks to modify its behavior.

React Query is an extremely useful and valuable tool for React developers. Its simple API and support for managing data make it an essential part of any modern React application.

React Query vs Axios: Which library should you choose for your next project?

There are a few reasons why you might want to use both React Query and Axios in a React project.

First, React Query is a convenient tool for managing and fetching data in a React application. It provides features like automatic caching, background updates, and the ability to easily retry failed requests, which can make it easier to build performant and user-friendly applications.

On the other hand, Axios is a popular library for making HTTP requests in JavaScript. It is often used in conjunction with React Query because it provides a simple yet powerful solution for making requests to server-side APIs.

Together, React Query and Axios can provide a powerful combination for fetching and managing data in a React application. React Query can handle all of the complex logic for caching, updating, and retrying requests, while Axios can be used to actually make the requests to the server. This can make it easier to build robust and maintainable applications.

Here is some sample code showing how to use React Query and Axios in a React project. First, you use Axios for making API requests:

import axios from 'axios'

const BASE_URL = 'https://www.yourdomain.com/api'

export const createUser = async (body) => {
  const response = await axios.post(`${BASE_URL}/users`, body)
  return response.data

export const getUserList = async () => {
  const response = await axios.get(`${BASE_URL}/users`)
  return response.data

export const getUserDetails = async (userId) => {
  const response = await axios.get(`${BASE_URL}/users/${userId}`)
  return response.data

export const updateUser = async (body) => {
  const response = await axios.put(`${BASE_URL}/users`, body)
  return response.data

export const deleteUser = async (userId) => {
  const response = await axios.delete(`${BASE_URL}/users/${userId}`)
  return response.data

Then you integrate these requests with React Query in your React component:

import {
 } from 'react-query'
 import { getUserList, createNewUser } from './api/users'
 function DemoComponent() {
   // Access the client
   const queryClient = useQueryClient()
   // Queries
   const query = useQuery('users', getUserList)
   // Mutations
   const mutation = useMutation(createNewUser, {
     onSuccess: () => {
       // Invalidate and refetch
   return (
         {query.data.map(user => (
           <li key={user.id}>{user.name}</li>
         onClick={() => {
             id: Date.now(),
             name: 'Frontend Mag',
         Add User

 export default DemoComponent

If you are wondering why we don’t call HTTP requests directly inside a React component, the answer is it is generally not a good idea.

Making HTTP requests directly within a React component can make your code difficult to test and debug because the code is tightly coupled to the specific details of the request. It also makes reusing your code harder because the component becomes closely tied to a specific API endpoint.

Instead, it is often better to use a dedicated service or utility function that uses Axios to make HTTP requests, and then pass the data returned from the request to the React component so that it can be used to render the user interface. This helps to keep the React component focused on rendering the user interface, and makes it easier to test, debug, and reuse the code.

If you use Redux, you would need to create actions, reducers, and possibly middleware to handle the data fetching, which can require a lot of boilerplate code. In contrast, with React Query, you can simply use the useQuery hook to fetch the data, and the hook will handle all of the details of the data fetching process for you. This can make your code easier to write and understand, and can also make it easier to test and maintain.

Frequently Asked Questions about React Query vs Axios

Q: What are React Query and Axios?

A: React Query is a library for fetching and managing data in React applications, while Axios is a library for making HTTP requests.

Q: What are the differences between React Query and Axios?

A: The main difference between React Query and Axios is the scope of their functionality. React Query is focused on managing and caching data, while Axios is focused on making HTTP requests.

Q: Can React Query and Axios be used together?

A: Yes, React Query and Axios can be used together seamlessly. React Query integrates with Axios, which means that you can use Axios to make HTTP requests and React Query to manage and cache the data that you receive. This can greatly simplify the process of fetching and managing data in your application and improve its performance and scalability.

Q: Why should I use React Query and Axios in my project?

A: By using both React Query and Axios in your project, you can take advantage of the best features of both libraries and create a more powerful and flexible application. React Query can help you manage and update data in real-time, while Axios can provide a wide range of request methods and options. By combining the strengths of both libraries, you can create a more powerful and flexible application that is better equipped to handle a wide range of scenarios.

Q: How can I learn more about React Query and Axios?

A: To learn more about React Query and Axios, you can explore their official documentation, try using them in a small project, and engage with other developers in online communities or forums. The official documentation for both libraries includes detailed guides and examples that can help you get started, and online communities can provide valuable insights and tips from experienced developers. By taking these steps, you can gain a deep understanding of how to use React Query and Axios effectively in your React applications.


In a nutshell, React Query and Axios are useful for managing asynchronous data in a React application.

React Query is a powerful tool for fetching, caching, and updating asynchronous data in React applications, and it can make it easier to manage complex data fetching scenarios. Axios, on the other hand, is a popular library for making HTTP requests, and it can provide a simple and flexible API for interacting with a wide variety of web APIs.

At this point, you should have a good understanding of React Query and Axios. Whether you are comparing React Query vs Axios for a specific project, or you are trying to decide which library to use in your application, using both of these libraries together can help you write cleaner, more modular, and more performant code.

If you’re interested in exploring more options for managing async data in React, check out my blog post comparing React Query and Apollo Client. This post provides a deep look at the pros and cons of both libraries, helping you make an informed decision for your project.



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